The saltbox birthplace of John Quincy Adams in Quincy, Mass

The Public Vault in Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC where JQA's remains temporarily rested before being transported a Presidential Funeral Train to Quincy, Mass

Hancock Cemetery where John Quincy Adams remains were originally placed in Quincy, Mass

Statuary Hall in the US Capital building where John Quincy Adams died. He died in the room on the other side of the door (tour guide would not let me see it) and his desk was at the site of the gold marker
United First Parish Church in Quincy, Massachusetts where the remains of John Adams & John Quincy Adams rest in the basement crypt . Also where JQA's funeral was held

John Quincy Adams basement crypt .
John Quincy Adams pew United First Parish Church in Quincy, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall in Boston, Mass where John Quincy Adams' remains were placed for a public viewing
room in Faneuil Hall in Boston, Mass where John Quincy Adams' remains were placed for a public viewing